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The Puey Ungphakorn 99th Anniversary Celebration to Coincide with “A Man Called Puey” Exhibition

Bangkok —on March 9, 2015, Thammasat University held a press conference about the celebrations of Puey Ungphakorn’s 99th anniversary. Presided over by Professor Dr.Chanrvit Kasetsiri, the event includes as a talk, “Technocrats and Thailand’s Economy,” by Assistant Professor Dr.Apichat Satitniramai of the Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University, an expert in macroeconomic theory and development economics. There is also the launch an e-library website by the Foundation for the Promotion of Social Sciences and Humanities, a book bank, and digitalized documents for public use. Among objects shown in the “A Man Called Puey” is Dr. Puey’s MBE Royal insignia presented by King George VI of England.

Press Conference
Press Conference

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