Thammasat University students interested in science, technology, artificial intelligence, political science, history, sociology, business, economics, futurology, and related subjects may find it useful to participate in a free 18 July Zoom webinar that asks

Will AI steal my job and my joy? A conversation amongst creatives.

The event, on Thursday, 18 July 2024, starting at 3pm Bangkok time, is hosted by the University of Wollongong, Australia.

The event announcement explains:

In this dynamic discussion, we will delve into the potential and concerns of integrating AI into creative practices. Our esteemed panel of experts will share their unique perspectives, offering insights into both the opportunities and challenges presented by AI in their respective fields.

Our panel includes:

  • Associate Professor Catherine McKinnon, an acclaimed author, will discuss her concerns and observations within the literary industry.
  • Professor Brian Yecies, a communications expert, will share his insights on the transition from traditional comics to webtoons and the resistance encountered during this shift.
  • Dr Elena Walsh, a scholar in the philosophy of psychology and AI, will provide a deep dive into the emotional and ethical implications of AI in creative work.
  • Associate Professor Agnieszka Golda, a visual artist who blends living and non-living forms with technology, will offer her viewpoints on how AI influences her artistic process.
  • Lucy Batley from Traction Industries UK and Alumni Kachina Dimmock from Collective Catalysts, both of whom have successfully incorporated AI into their businesses, will discuss their experiences and the innovative possibilities AI brings to design and marketing.

Moderated by Dr Roba Abbas, an extensively published academic who’s research, focuses on socio-technical ecosystems, intersects society, technology, ethics, and regulation, this session promises to foster robust conversation, whether you’re an advocate for AI or have reservations about its impact.

Potential discussion topics include:

  • How AI is transforming creative workflows and the potential for increased efficiency.
  • The ethical considerations of using AI in creative fields and its impact on authenticity. Will ‘real’ trump ‘manufactured’ in most peoples eyes?
  • The emotional and psychological effects of AI on artists and creators.
  • Real-world examples of AI integration in literature, visual arts, and design.
  • The balance between human creativity and machine assistance.
  • Strategies for creatives to adapt to the changing landscape and leverage AI as a tool rather than a threat.
  • The role of AI in enhancing or diminishing job satisfaction and joy in creative professions.

 Expect to gain invaluable insights into how AI is reshaping the creative landscape, learn about the latest trends and technologies, and explore the ethical and practical implications of AI in creative fields. This event is perfect for creatives, technologists, educators, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology and creativity.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a critical conversation that will challenge your perceptions and inspire new ways of thinking. Reserve your seat now for “Will AI Steal My Job and My Joy?” and join us for an evening of enlightening discussion and vibrant debate. 

Luminaries brings together leading UOW researchers, industry experts and thought leaders for a one-and-a-half hour conversation every month.

Join us online for this interdisciplinary series and discover how research and collaboration is tackling global social, environmental and economic challenges. The webinar series is free and open to the public […]

The TU Library collection includes several books about different aspects of the societal impact of artificial intelligence (AI).

Students are invited to register for the event at this link:


For further information or with any questions, please write to


Last year, a report posted on the website of the International Labour Organization (ILO) stated:

Generative AI likely to augment rather than destroy jobs

ILO report assesses the impact of generative artificial intelligence on job quantity and quality.

GENEVA (ILO News) – Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more likely to augment than destroy jobs by automating some tasks rather than taking over a role entirely, a new study from the International Labour Organization (ILO) has found.

The study, Generative AI and Jobs: A global analysis of potential effects on job quantity and quality, suggests that most jobs and industries are only partly exposed to automation and are more likely to be complemented rather than substituted by the latest wave of Generative AI, such as chatGPT. Therefore, the greatest impact of this technology is likely to not be job destruction but rather the potential changes to the quality of jobs, notably work intensity and autonomy.

Clerical work was found to be the category with the greatest technological exposure, with nearly a quarter of tasks considered highly exposed and more than half of tasks having medium-level exposure. In other occupational groups – including managers, professionals and technicians – only a small share of tasks was found to be highly exposed, while about a quarter had medium exposure levels.

The study, which is global in scope, documents notable differences in the effects on countries at different levels of development, linked to current economic structures and existing technological gaps. It finds that 5.5 per cent of total employment in high-income countries is potentially exposed to the automating effects of the technology, whereas in low-income countries, the risk of automation concerns only some 0.4 per cent of employment. On the other hand, the potential for augmentation is nearly equal across countries, suggesting that with the right policies in place, this new wave of technological transformation could offer important benefits for developing countries.

The potential effects of Generative AI are likely to differ significantly for men and women, the study finds, with more than twice the share of female employment potentially affected by automation. This is due to women’s over-representation in clerical work, especially in high and middle-income countries. Since clerical jobs have traditionally been an important source of female employment as countries develop economically, one result of Generative AI could be that certain clerical jobs may never emerge in lower-income countries.

The paper concludes that the socioeconomic impacts of Generative AI will largely depend on how its diffusion is managed. It argues for the need to design policies that support an orderly, fair and consultative transition. Workers’ voice, skills training and adequate social protection will be key to managing the transition. Otherwise, there is a risk that only a few, well-prepared countries and market participants will benefit from the new technology.

The authors note that the “outcomes of the technological transition are not pre-determined. It is humans that are behind the decision to incorporate such technologies and it is humans that need to guide the transition process”.

(All images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)